Setting VNC and starting as a service on Linux /Fedora

Ensure that vnc-server is loaded (rpm -q vnc-server).
If it isn't there, load it from cd or with yum

Edit /etc/sysconfig/vncservers and add an entry that reads:

VNCSERVERS="1:username". Replace username with a real user on your system
(this step is important, so that when the system reboots and starts the serive, it knows which user can access)

Logon to your system as the username listed above and run, vncpasswd .
This will add the password to access through VNC

Make sure you logon as the user and run: vncserver :# (any number). This will actually create the xstartup file for the next step. This needs to be done only once so that the file is created.

Navigate to /home/user/.vnc and modify the xstartup file. Uncomment the top two lines to get a normal desktop (gnome or kde). lines start with unset and exec.

replace twm & with
gnome-session &
startkde &

Run: service vncserver stop. If it will not stop, type kill [pid_number].

Run, service vncserver start. This will start the service, but it will not be running the next time you boot. To have this start automatically at boot time,

Run: chkconfig --level 35 vncserver on

On your windows/linux machine from where you want to access this machine download and install vncviewer.



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